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Aesthetic and functional remodeling of the nose

Remodeling of the nose or Rhinoplasty as we all already know, is the surgical intervention that changes the shape as well as the size of the nose.

At the DaVINCI Clinic, the aesthetic and functional remodeling of the nose is performed by an Italian plastic surgeon, while in the case of respiratory issues, the procedure is overseen by an ENT (Otorhinolaryngologist) specialist. This approach ensures that aesthetic results are in harmony with the other facial features, considering functional aspects and improving breathing. Thanks to the experience of Italian  surgeons, the DaVINCI Clinic counts hundreds of successful interventions performed on its patients for:

Nose remodeling surgery can be performed to correct an injury to the nose, a defect from birth, when we have breathing problems, or simply for aesthetic reasons. Rhinoplasty or Rhinoseptoplasty is one of those aesthetic surgeries that can completely change the appearance of your face. Nose reshaping at our Clinic is performed using the Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty (PIEZO) technique.

With this new technique:

  • Duration of the Surgery: The procedure lasts about 1-2 hours, making it relatively quick compared to other surgical techniques.
  • Anesthesia: General anesthesia is used to ensure maximum comfort for the patient during the procedure.
  • Technique Used: The closed technique is utilized, involving incisions inside the nose, avoiding visible scars, and reducing the risk of complications.
  • Post-operative Materials: In aesthetic rhinoplasty, no tampons or splints are used. Only plaster and steri-strip tapes are employed to stabilize the nasal structure.
  • Gauze and Dressing: Iodophor gauze is used for 2-4 days to prevent infections and facilitate healing. The complete post-operative dressing requires approximately 5-7 days.
  • Pre-operative Preparation: A CT scan is required before the surgery to precisely plan the procedure and evaluate the nasal structures.
  • Post-operative Care: Glasses can only be worn 60 days after the surgery date to avoid pressure and irritation on the operated area.

The Advantages of Piezo:

  • Micrometric Precision: Piezoelectric technology allows the nasal structure to be shaped with micrometric precision. This approach reduces the risk of errors and optimizes the final aesthetic results. • Minimal Tissue Trauma: Since the technique does not require nasal bone fractures, trauma to surrounding tissues, veins, nerves, and muscle structures is significantly reduced. This results in a less painful procedure.
  • Accelerated Healing: Reduced trauma and the need for large incisions promote faster healing. Patients can resume their normal daily activities sooner compared to traditional techniques.
  • Minimization of Swelling and Bruising: Thanks to the delicate nature of the piezoelectric method, patients will experience minimal or no swelling and bruising, improving post-operative comfort and immediate aesthetic appearance.
  • Superior Aesthetic Results: The ability to work with extreme precision allows the surgeon to achieve more predictable and satisfying aesthetic results, reducing the need for corrective procedures.
  • Reduced Revision Risk: Greater precision and a lower risk of complications significantly reduce the likelihood of needing a revision, ensuring that the final result is the best possible from the first surgery.

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DaVINCI Clinic doctors

At the DaVINCI Clinic, the aesthetic and functional remodeling of the nose is performed by an Italian ENT surgeon (Otorhinolaryngologist)