The DaVINCI Clinic was founded in 2014 in Tirana and was born as an Italian-Albanian partnership. At the DaVINCI Clinic we offer aesthetic surgery, otorhinolaryngology, hair transplant and non-surgical aesthetic treatments for the face and body. We are focused on physical health education and scientific research, in order to always be updated and in the same step of the latest global trends in the field of aesthetics.
Remodeling of the nose or Rhinoplasty as we all already know, is the surgical intervention that changes the shape as well as the size of the nose.
Facial or neck skin tightening surgery is an intervention through which the muscles and connective tissues of the face are manipulated to give it a fresher and younger appearance.
Below you will find the treatments that are performed in our clinic.
Aesthetic Treatments
Cryolipolysis (Cryolipolysis) or CoolSculpting is a device that applies cold temperature to areas where we have increased fat that we are not at all satisfied with and want to eliminate.
The latest hair transplant application technique in the world that is also applied at the DaVINCI Clinic is Micro FUE, which extracts root by root the amount of follicles that will need to be implanted in the area where the hair is missing. Extraction of follicles is performed by taking unique follicular units from the donor area by means of very thin instruments, of 0.8 mm.
Brands we work with
DaVINCI - Chirurgia Estetica Italiana 928 Google reviews Endrit Saramati2023-12-28 Mein Besuch bei DaVINCI in Tirana war eine außergewöhnlich positive Erfahrung. Das herausragendste Merkmal dieses Instituts ist zweifellos die Professionalität des Teams. Jeder, von den Empfangsmitarbeitern bis hin zu den Chirurgen, hat sich durch ein hohes Maß an Fachwissen und Kompetenz ausgezeichnet. Was jedoch wirklich beeindruckt hat, war die freundliche Atmosphäre. Das Personal war nicht nur hochprofessionell, sondern auch außerordentlich herzlich und einladend. Sie haben sich viel Zeit genommen, um auf meine Bedürfnisse einzugehen und alle meine Fragen ausführlich zu beantworten. Die Kombination aus Fachkompetenz und herzlichem Umgang macht DaVINCI zu einem Top-Adresse für ästhetische Chirurgie in Tirana. Ich kann dieses Institut jedem empfehlen, der über ästhetische Eingriffe nachdenkt. Sie können sicher sein, dass Sie in den besten Händen sind. official official2023-12-23 Im so glad that i choose Da Vinci , my results are greater than 1 thought it would be , staff is so respectful and doctor Palmieri did the best job with my nose. Claudio Molendi2023-12-23 Ho fatto la blefaroplastica nella clinica DaVInci staff meraviglioso. Grazie DaVinci!! Filippo Bucceri2023-12-21 Grazie alla clinica Da Vinci mi sono sottoposto all’intervento di rinosettoplastica. Grande staff e ottimo lavoro Gazmir Ferhati2023-12-20 Klinike shume professionale. Staffi shume i disponueshem. Bertrand Segui2023-12-20 Excellent from A to Z Very professional Thank you for all Nunzio Vurchio2023-12-18 Consiglio vivamente la clinica Da Vinci ! mi sono trovato benissimo, ho effettuato una rinosettoplastica tramite il dott Andrea Palmieri persona eccezionale oltre ad essere un ottimo chirurgo ! sono molto soddisfatto del risultato oltre le mie aspettative ,nonostante il mio naso non avesse niente da invidiare al becco di un aquila , il dott Andrea e riuscito a dargli una forma armoniosa e simmetrica! grazie di cuore a tutto lo staff e in particolare alla dottoressa Marinela che si e sempre resa disponibile e pronta a rispondere ad ogni mio dubbio o domanda. GRAZIE DI CUORE Andre Saccani2023-12-12 Ottima clinica! Ho effettuato qua il trapianto di capelli di ultima generazione micro FUE-DHI e sono pienamente soddisfatto. Un eccellente trattamento dalla A alla Z, l'equipe é molto preparata e professionale oltre che molto gentile e cortese. Mi sono sentito a casa! Ve la Consiglio!! ❤️